FTP commands for Windows command prompt

FTP CommandDescription of Command
!Escape to the Shell
$Execute macro
?print local help information
accountSend account command to remote server
appendAppend to a file
asciiset ascii transfer type
beepbeep when command completed
binarySet Binary transfer type
byeTerminate ftp session and exit
casetoggle mget upper/lower case id mapping
cdChange remote working directory
cdupchange remote working directory to parent directory
chmodChange file permissions of remote file
closeTerminate FTP session
crtoggle carriage return stripping on ascii gets
debugtoggle/set debugging mode
deletedelete remote file
dirlist contents of remote directory
disconnectterminate ftp session
exitterminate ftp sessions and exit
formset file transfer format
getreceive file
globtoggle meta character expansion of local file names
hashtoggle printing `#' for each buffer transferred
helpdisplay local help information
idleget (set) idle timer on remote side
imageset binary transfer type
ipanyallow use of any address family
ipv4restrict address usage to ipv4
ipv6restrict address usage to ipv6
lcdChange local working directory
lslist contents of remote directory
macdefdefine a macro
mdeletedelete multiple files
mdirlist contents of multiple remote directories
mgetget multiple files
mkdirmake directory on remote machine
mlslist contents of multiple remote directories
modeset file transfer mode
modtimeshow last modification time of remote file
mputsend multiple files
newerget file if remote file is newer than local file
nlistnlist contents of remote directory
nmapset templates for default file name mapping
ntransset translation table for default file name mapping
openconnect to remote ftp
passiveenter passive transfer mode
promptforce interactive prompting on multiple commands
proxyissue command on an alternate connection
putsend one file
pwdprint working directory on remote machine
qcprint ? in place of control characters on stdout
quitterminate ftp session and exit
quotesend arbitrary ftp command
recvreceive file
regetget file restarting at end of local file
renamerename file
resetclear queued command replies
restartrestart file transfer at bytecount
rhelpget help from remote server
rmdirremove directory on remote machine
rstatusshow status of remote machine
runiquetoggle store unique for local files
sendsend one file
sendporttoggle use of PORT cmd for each data connection
sitesend site specific command to remote server
sizeshow size of remote file
statusshow current status
structset file transfer structure
suniquetoggle store unique on remote machine
systemshow remote system type
tenexset tenex file transfer type
ticktoggle printing byte counter during transfers
tracetoggle packet tracing
typeset file transfer type
umaskget (set) umask on remote site
usersend new user information
verbosetoggle verbose mode