Linux Administration Certifications
op 5 Linux Certifications in 2018
1. RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator)
The Red Hat Certified System Administrator Certificate is the basis for all the other Red Hat certificates because it handles the basics such the Linux command line, simple configuration, system administration skills and a lot more.
To prepare for this Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam (EX200), I suggest you to check our RHCSA Certification Preparation Study Guide that will help you pass this exam.
2. LFCS (Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator)
The Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator is a certification earned by taking a test that is based on administrative performance.
The Linux Foundation is responsible for the performance-based tests and is the only one offering such exams. At the time of writing, the Operating Systems used for this test are Ubuntu 16 or CentOS 7.
To prepare for this Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) Exam, I suggest you to check our LFCS Certification Preparation Study Guide that will help you pass this exam.
3. SUSE Certified Administrator
SUSE Certified Administrator (SCA) in Enterprise Linux trains its holders on advanced-level administration tasks in the open-source environment, specifically OpenSUSE.
Here, coursework isn’t required as all you will need to do is pass the organized exams. Nevertheless, it is important that you go through all the course objectives and put their task solutions to long-term memory.
4. CompTIA Linux+
CompTIA Linux+ gives you the know-how of administrative tasks which exponentially increases your chances of getting a job.
It is also a one-time test and doesn’t have to be renewed – allowing you to work with virtually any distro out there like a pro. If you’re pursuing a career in Linux (or server administration don’t skip it.
5. GIAC Certified UNIX System Security Administrator
The number one reason you should obtain a GIAC Certified UNIX System Security Administrator Certificate is to educate yourself on security and inspection of Linux OS and UNIX systems. With it, you would have learned how to install, configure and monitor Linux and UNIX systems.
6. LPIC-1: Linux Administrator
LPIC-1 for Linux Administrators vaildates holders’ ability to carry out maintenance tasks via the command line as well as configure basic networking achitectures on Linux distros.
You must pass 2 exams before becoming LPIC-1 certified after covering topics ranging from GNU and Unix Commands, System Architecture, Linux filesystems, to Networking Fundamentals and Essential System Services.
It has no prerequisites and is valid for a period of 5 years.
Linux Engineer Certifications
7. RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer)
RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) is also a necessary certificate to have under your belt because its senior-level great for grabbing the attention of potential employees.
In order to obtain the RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer), you must first obtain the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) credential. After which follows an approximately 4-hour test.
With it, you can apply to work as a Linux administrator, IT analyst, Senior Systems Engineer, and Senior UNIX Administrator, among other job titles. It isn’t easy but certainly worth it.
To prepare for this RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) Exam, I suggest you to check our RHCSA / RHCE Certification Preparation Study Guide that will help you pass both exams.
8. LFCE (Linux Foundation Certified Engineer)
A Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE) is the Engineering certificate equivalent of LFCS. Engineers with this certificate are tasked with the duties of designing and implementing various system architectures.
Users with this certificate are a step closer to their educational goals and can serve as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for the next generation of system administration professionals.
To prepare for this LFCE (Linux Foundation Certified Engineer) Exam, I suggest you to check our LFCE Certification Preparation Study Guide that will help you pass both exams.
9. SUSE Certified Engineer (SCE)
SUSE Certified Engineer certification covers higher-level day-to-day engineering level tasks particular to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Environment.
Students are to perform real-time exams on at least 2 live systems via a remote online examination environment which is hosted by ExamsLocal.
10. Oracle Linux OCA & OCP
The Oracle Linux OCA & OCP is a certification that is built on the self-named Operating System. It also is about gaining all the necessary skills and knowledge in order to operate Oracle technology and products.
For you to earn this particular certification, you must have to pass two examinations which will test you on your knowledge of GNU/Linux OSes and of Oracle.
Bear in mind that there are 6 levels, namely:
- Oracle Certified Junior Associate (OJA)
- Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)
- Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
- Oracle Certified Master (OCM)
- Oracle Certified Expert (OCE) and
- Oracle Certified Specialist (OCS)
So make sure to take enough time to study and gain enough knowledge to past test after test.
11. LPIC-2: Linux Engineer
The LPIC-2 is an engineer certification meant specifically or Linux Engineers. In order to obtain this certificate, you must first and foremost pass the LPIC-2 201 and the LPIC-2 202. Similar to the LPIC-1, this certificate is distro independent.
There are other certificates worth mentioning such as the Certified Novell Linux Engineer, the Certified Novell Identity Manager Administrator, and the IBM Admin Certifications. Enough certificates to keep your brain busy for.
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