Missing Return Value

You’ll get the “missing return value” message when the return statement includes an incorrect type. For example, the following code:
public class SavingsAcc2 {
    private double balance;
    private double interest;
    public SavingsAcc2() {
        balance = 0.0;
        interest = 6.17;
    public SavingsAcc2(double initBalance, double interested) {
        balance = initBalance;
        interest = interested;
    public SavingsAcc2 deposit(double amount) {
        balance = balance + amount;
    public SavingsAcc2 withdraw(double amount) {
        balance = balance - amount;
    public SavingsAcc2 addInterest(double interest) {
        balance = balance * (interest / 100) + balance;
    public double getBalance() {
        return balance;