ob | Hiring for MNC Company for C2H Position for Java, J2ee, Struts, MVC, Spring,Hibernate @ Bangalore location

 Hope you are doing well!!
SourceOne (www.msourceone.com) is one of the fastest growing company of India would be closing many candidates on Java,J2ee,Servlets, Struts, MVC,Spring, Hibernate @Bangalore Location for C2H Position ...

Kindly send your updated cvs with below input if you would be interested for this opportunity and attend interview:

Interested for Contract to hire position:
Present Location:
Total exp:
Current Salary:
Expected Salary:
Present company name:
Present employment (Contract/Permanent):
If contract mention your parent company name:
Notice period:
Reason for change:
Awaiting for your reply.

Thanks & Regards,
Sowmya Srinivas

Mob: 8067586338

Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
Source One Products - www.hiringnow.com | www.mpool.com
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Sowmya Srinivas