What are the properties of fourth matter Plasma?
After Solid, liquid and gas there is one more matter that exists known as Plasma.  Properties of Plasma are
  • Plasma has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume
  • Plasma often seen in ionized gases, and heating produces it and ionizing a gas
  • Free electrical charges which are not bound to atoms or ions can cause plasma to be electrically conductive
  • Some of the examples of plasma are lightning, stars, inside fluorescent lights and neon signs
6)      Define what is Thermal Conductivity?
The property of the material that relates to its ability to conduct heat is referred as Thermal Conductivity.
7)      Explain what is Parallax and Distance Measurement?
To measure the distance to nearby stars, astronomers use an effect called Parallax.  Parallax is the apparent displacement of an object because of a change in observer’s point of view, for instance, when we look at object with one eye shut and then doing the same with other eye, there is a difference in the position of the object this is known as Parallax.
To measure the star position astronomer uses this technique. Once the star position is located after six month they will again calculate the apparent change in position.
8)      Mention what is the unit to measure the heat resistance?
Ohm is the unit to measure the heat resistance.
9)      What is the instrument used to know the scattering of light by particles suspended in a liquid?
Nephelometer is the instrument used to measure the scattering of light by particles suspended in a liquid
10)   Explain what is dyne?
Dyne is a unit of force or also referred as C-G-S (centimetre – gram –-second).  It means that when a force is applied to mass of 1 gram, it gives acceleration of 1 centimetre per second.
11)   Explain what is Wave-Particle duality?
When matter and light exhibits properties of both waves and particles, it is referred as Wave-Particle duality.  For instance, Light can behave like wave when it shines through narrow slits while, when exposed to some metal surface it will spray electrons acting as a particle. So under different conditions it will act.
12)   Explain what is Quantum tunnelling?
Quantum tunnelling is the process where the particle passes through an obstruction or barrier to reach at another end.  It is referred as tunnelling as the particle as “dug” out the way through the potential barrier.
13)   Explain what is Uncertainty principle?
Uncertainty principle tells that the momentum and position of a particle cannot be measured precisely.
14)   Explain what is dark matter?
Dark matter is an invisible matter in the space that can hold the stars into the galaxy.  They have no effect of electromagnetic force on it, which means it does absorb, reflect or emit light that makes them practically invisible.