What is HTML Sanitizer?
The HTML sanitizer automatically cleans up HTML markup in HTML fields to remove unwanted code and protect against security concerns such as cross-site scripting attacks. The HTML sanitizer is active for all instances starting with the Eureka release.
Q. Which table is used in servicenow to audit changes to records?
ServiceNow uses the Sys Audit [sys_audit] table to audit changes to records.
Q. What is Schema map?
The schema map displays the details of tables and their relationships in a visual manner, allowing administrators to view and easily access different parts of the database schema.
Q. What is a dashboard?
Dashboard is a visual collection of reports and paralytics presented as KPI scorecards and indicator summary tab.
Q. What is scorecard?
A scorecard can be used to measure the performance of an employee or a business process. It is a graphical representation of progress over time. A scorecard belongs to an indicator. The first step is to define the indicators that you want to measure. Scorecards can be enhanced by adding targets, breakdowns (scores per group), aggregates (counts, sums, and maximums), and time series (totals and averages).
Q. What do you mean by indicators in performance analytics in servicenow
Indicators, also known as metrics, business metrics, or KPIs, are statistics that businesses track to measure current conditions and to forecast business trends.
Q. How to set the default value of a date field to current datetime value?
Goto the dictionary of the respective date-time field and set the default value as : javascript:gs.nowDateTime();
Q. What is client transaction timing?
Client transaction timing provides more information on the duration of transactions between the client and the server.This require to activate the plugin – “Client transaction timing plugin”.
Q. What asetWorkflow(e) function does?
setWorkflow(e) enables or disables the running of business rules that might normally be triggered by subsequent actions. If the e parameter is set to false, an insert/update will not be audited. Auditing only happens when the parameter is set to true for a GlideRecord operation.
e – Boolean variable that if true (default) enables business rules, and if false to disables them.
Q. What the setForceUpdate() function does?
setForceUpdate() updates the record even if there is no changes on the record.
Q. What is the significance of setLimit(n) function.
setLimit(n) functions limits the number of records to query by Gliderecord().
Q. Can you update a record without updating its system fields(like sys_updated_by, sys_updated_on) ?
Yes, you can do it by using a function autoSysFields() in your server side scripting.Whenever you are updating a record set the autoSysFields() to false.
var gr = new GlideRecord(‘incident’);
short_description = “Test from Examsmyntra” ;