How would you monitor your logs while investigating high-level issues?
I try to look for the error in the in the last n minutes when the issue occurred. However, If the issue is still happening, then I tail the logs for the different application server to see the error snippets found in the live logs.
14) What are the various levels of production support?
Level 0/ Level 1 support – It is Initial level helpdesk which deals with most common user issues with already scripted solutions.
Level 2 Support – It is technical support for the application or software. They check the flow of the application and can go deep into the issue and fix it if they can if not escalate further. This kind of production support executive should have vast experience on a particular technology platform.
Level 3 Support: This kind of product support professionals work on enhancements, and bug fixes. They most like to have expertise on one or two technology platforms like Oracle database or a Windows Admin.
15) What are the essential skills to become excellent product support executive?
- Consistency: It is an essential skill for the production support job. It can be achieved by offering an accurate solution to the customer.
- Attention to Detail: Production support executive should have great precision, particularly when operating dangerous machinery.
- Leadership: It is another vital skill that can’t be ignored in the product management job. As a production support executive, you should have the ability to lead a team and resolve problems that may arise between your team members.
16) What have you done to improve your technical support knowledge in the last year?
I believe that learning is the key to growth that’s why every professional should do some activities to sharpen his knowledge. I read books, blogs, and articles related to production support.
17) What attributes give you an edge over other contenders for this position?
I have exemplary time management skills. I also know how to manage and present data using CRM.
18) What is System security?
System security means stopping viruses and malware programs from reaching the computer system. It can be achieved by using methods like antivirus, firewall installation and by restricting activities of the online users.
19) Are you using command aliases while doing your work?
Yes, I have created few aliases and saved them within my profile file so that the system loads each time automatically when I log onto the server.
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